Investment Agreement Warranties: What You Should Know

When entering into an investment agreement, it is important to understand the various warranties included in the agreement. These warranties are essentially promises made by the parties involved in the agreement to each other regarding the investment. In this article, we will discuss what investment agreement warranties are and why they are important.

What Are Investment Agreement Warranties?

Investment agreement warranties are promises made by the investor and the company receiving the investment. These promises are meant to assure each party that certain facts about the investment are true and accurate. For example, the company may warrant that all of its financial statements are accurate and complete, while the investor may warrant that it has the authority to enter into the investment agreement.

Why Are Investment Agreement Warranties Important?

There are several reasons why investment agreement warranties are important. First, they help to establish trust between the parties involved in the investment. By making these promises, each party is essentially saying that they are confident in the investment and their ability to fulfill the terms of the agreement.

Second, investment agreement warranties can help to prevent disputes between the parties. If one party breaches a warranty, the other party may be entitled to terminate the agreement or seek damages. This can help to ensure that both parties are committed to the investment and are working towards a common goal.

Finally, investment agreement warranties can also help to protect the parties from potential legal issues. By making these promises, each party is essentially saying that they have done their due diligence and are confident that the investment is legitimate and legal.

What Should You Look For in Investment Agreement Warranties?

When reviewing an investment agreement, there are several key warranties that you should look for. These include:

– Financial statements: The company should warrant that its financial statements are accurate and complete.

– Legal compliance: The company should warrant that it is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

– Intellectual property: The company should warrant that it has the right to use any intellectual property that is included in the investment.

– Material contracts: The company should warrant that any material contracts it enters into are valid and enforceable.

– Capitalization: The company should warrant that its capitalization is accurate and complete.


In summary, investment agreement warranties are an important part of any investment agreement. They help to establish trust between the parties involved and can prevent disputes from arising. When reviewing an investment agreement, it is important to look for these warranties and ensure that they are comprehensive and accurate. By doing so, you can help to protect yourself and your investment.